Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Quick Fiscal Myth Buster

Only 12 of the past 45 years has seen a Democratic president on Pennsylvania Avenue.  I have provided a list of all presidents from '68 onward below, along with the percentage of our national debt as contrasted to our Gross Domestic Product.  Where there are minus percentages, it means as a country, our GDP exceeded our national debt.  Where a plus exists, it means the growth of the national debt exceeded our GDP.  In short and all things considered, it is best to be in a 'minus position' as regards GDP versus national debt.  To simplify matters, I've used the old 'red ink accounting ledger color code to demonstrate which presidents put us in unhealthy fiscal positions.  Nixon/Ford are combined since 'together' they served 2 terms.   President Obama is not included as he is barely halfway through his first term. 

+0.1% Nixon/Ford
-3.2% Jimmy Carter
+20.5% Ronald Reagan
+13.1% George H. W. Bush
-8.8% Bill Clinton
+28.6% George W. Bush

The reader will note even the 'best' Republican presidency as regards our economy was Nixon/Ford, who held a fiscal negative position of .1%, while the worst was George W. Bush at 28.6%.  Both Reagan and George H. W. Bush were well into double figures as well.  Meanwhile the twelve years of Democratic presidents yeilded a 'positive' fiscal positions.  Most of us already realize during the Clinton years, the nation had the longest and most sustained economic growth in recent history, adding jobs and handing an economy to the Bush administration that included a deficit surplus. 
Conclusion:  A 'fiscal' conservative should vote Democrat!

Following is the interactive link from "US Government Spending" with GDP vs. deficit from 1900 to present.

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About Me

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Observer of the sublime chaos of humans and other living things. Curious about what people think and why, and the results of that thinking. Left to my own devices, I'd spend my 'curiosity time' studying this fascinating topic. I'm originally an Iowa native, have lived in Tucson, AZ, Los Angeles, a horrific time in Kentucky five minutes from Cincy, and now am in Chicago. Was a 'hippy' in the 'day' and have never lost the precepts of those times, because they were right. I sometimes satisfy my sweet tooth with chocolate chip cookie dough. I like champagne served with good chocolate and strawberries. I think broccoli is for anyone but me. Uncooked spinach in a salad, a huge YES, cooked spinach, absolutely not now, not ever. Dalmatians are my best pals. Single now but incomplete because I blundered in early life error. Having finally learned, better late than never! I wonder what life would be like if we were born with the wisdom we gain over decades of living! Finally, 'Pride Goeth Before the Fall'.